If you’ve been thinking of a cool, new fad that will benefit your mind and body, it probably didn’t involve apple cider vinegar. In fact, apple cider vinegar is the little known secret to a fit body and a clear mind. It has been used for hundreds of years to address a multitude of ailments and problems. From physical maladies to helping within around your household, apple cider vinegar has been touted as a powerful tool. It has been cited by health professionals as helping to relieve pain, alleviating cold symptoms and eliminating disease-causing bacteria and fungi.
Apple cider vinegar (also known as ACV) is made from all-natural ingredients, mainly fermented apple juice. It is then combined with mixed with bacteria (called acetobacter) and yeast and given time to ferment. Fermentation is a process that turns the sugars into alcohol. Due to its acidic nature, apple cider vinegar has some great disinfecting properties and can be taken in a variety of forms, including as a pill.

In the past, ACV has been touted as a great way to enhance the flavors of foods as well as for food preservation. It has also been used to help with wounds and a variety of other conditions. In our modern world, people have begun to look back upon traditional and alternative methods of mitigating symptoms and have found that apple cider vinegar could prove to be a boon.
Apple cider vinegar has been a healthy alternative for thousands of years. Its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties have made it a popular option for people around the world. In fact, the Romans even used it as early as 55 B.C. along with the ancient Babylonians and Greeks. American colonists grew apple trees and used apple cider vinegar to address a wide variety of symptoms and ailments. Apple cider vinegar’s powerful acetic acid component can assist the body in a variety of ways. Recent research even suggests that ACV may help with hypertension and can even break up the bonds between starches and sugar and encourage healthy weight loss. Apple cider vinegar is an alternative to the day-to-day harsh chemicals we often use to rid our bodies of disease.
21 Things Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) Does for the Body
ACV is not only available for purchase in a wide variety of supermarkets and online stores, it is also very affordable. You can take it raw (typically unfiltered) or you can mix it with water or juice. It is has been cited as having a positive impact on wellness and health.
1- Boosts Immunity and Detoxifies:
ACV has tons of great compounds, and that includes probiotics and antioxidants. Probiotics and anti-oxidants are chock full of good bacteria and acetic acids, components that are known to help with detoxifying the body, lowering blood sugar and increasing immunity.
2- Relieves Heartburn:
Digestive juices can be corrosive. They are often needed to break down the foods and drinks we eat. We have a protective lining in our stomachs but not in our esophagus. Acids from our digestive tracts that make it into our throats cause burning and irritation. Certain protective cells within the stomach prevent the acid from causing inflammation, but these cells do not exist in the esophagus. If stomach acid and digestive juices reflux back into the esophagus, this can cause uncomfortable heartburn. Drinking ACV helps to lower stomach acidity and increase its pH levels because the acetic acid found in the drink is weaker than the hydrochloric acid created during digestion. Thus, your stomach enjoys a milder acidic environment in which it can still digest food, but with less strain on the esophagus and, therefore, less heartburn.
3- Can Help Colds and Allergies:
ACV comes from apples which are a fruit that is high in a number of things such as vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B1, folic acid, niacin, vitamin C, phosphorus, potassium, and list goes on. These components help to not only boost immunity to stop colds and allergies before they start, but they also aid in regulating them and stopping them from getting worse.
4- Helps with Yeast Infections:
Yeast infections are one of the most common complaints women often have. It can strike at any time and doesn’t discriminate. It can cause a variety of symptoms, including itching, burning, and irritation as well as pain and inability to engage in sexual intercourse. Because yeast infections are a product of PH imbalances, it can be recurrent, as typical medicinal remedies rid the body of both good and bad bacteria. This sets up a cycle of yeast infections that can get worse and worse as time goes on. Apple cider vinegar works by first ridding the body of the current infection while aiding and supporting the immune system in producing good bacteria in the vaginal tract. Once good bacteria has been established, yeast infections can be kept in check.
5- Help with Digestion:
Indigestion often comes from an imbalance in the gut. Taking apple cider vinegar each day can prevent the build-up of excess bacteria and ward off things like constipation or diarrhea. Apple cider vinegar also helps to produce more HCL or hydrochloric acid. HCL helps the body to break down elements such as carbs, fats and other compounds found in everyday food and drink.
6- Promotes Muscle Repair:
After a strenuous workout or just due to wear and tear, our muscles can get pretty sore and burned out. ACV can help to mitigate these effects from a boost of healthy amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and enzymes. If you drink a few spoonfuls diluted in water, you can beat back muscle aches and pains.
7- Supports a healthy urinary tract:
Urinary tract infections are a bother for most people but can be particularly troublesome for the elderly and those suffering from debilitating conditions. Urinary tract infections occur when bacteria enters the urinary tract and can often spread, causing pain in the abdomen and burning upon urination. The acetic acid in ACV can hinder the growth of bacteria as well as stop overgrowth. ACV can promote the growth of good bacteria as well.
8- Take it for healthier, shinier hair:
ACV can do wonders for the hair. You may think it just serves as a supplement, but can actually serve as a great conditioner and shampoo. It balances and restores the hair’s natural PH and can also help treat dryness and itchiness of the scalp. It serves as a great way to seal the hair’s cuticles, promote growth and prevent the growth of dandruff
9- Take It For Clearer Skin:
Apple cider vinegar, when taken with water, is a great way to promote clearer skin. ACV has anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties, making it an option against the many forms of microbes and bacteria that clog pores and cause blackheads. ACV also contains antioxidants and skin-restoring alpha hydroxyl acids. It can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and age spots and also reduces inflammation and redness. When combined with a great diet and skin regimen, apple cider vinegar can help to support youthful, vibrant skin.
10- Kills Halitosis:
Halitosis is more than just an unpleasant side effect of waking up after a long night of sleep. It can also be a date killer. Frequent bad breath that can’t be mitigated from tooth brushing and flossing should be addressed by a dentist, but also in between check-ups, patients can ensure that the buildup of bacteria doesn’t occur by swishing once a day with ACV. ACV can prevent gum disease and a host of other oral issues and promote healthy teeth and gums.
11- Eliminate Body Odor:
Apple cider vinegar eliminates bacteria and can help with stopping body odor in its tracks. After a workout, during the day and many other times, our bodies produce sweat and promote the growth of bacteria on the skin. This bacteria produces odors that can be very unpleasant. You can apply ACV to your underarms along with a dose of deodorant to discourage bad body odor.
12- Help with Skin Warts:
Skin warts can be a real pain, and they also can be a lot of trouble to remove. Expensive and harsh creams and treatments can do lots of damage to your already sensitive skin. ACV can help you when you mix it with water and apply it directly to the wart. It can help to remove the wart with little fuss and no pain.
13- Relieves Itchy Bumps and rashes:
Spring and summertime can encourage lots of things, including picnics, time with friends and outings. It can also encourage bugs. Bugs can be bad news for people who are highly allergic to different bug venoms, including mosquitoes or biting flies. To keep the itch out of your bumps, apply ACV to the affected areas. It will calm down the swelling and can stop the itching fast. Stopping the itch can not only keep you comfortable, but it can discourage scratching that can lead to a secondary infection.
14- Lose Weight with ACV:
ACV before a meal can help to reduce blood sugar levels and can enhance a workout. This can help with burning weight and promote the building of muscle and burning of fat.
15-Food preservation:
You can preserve foods in a natural way by using apple cider vinegar. It can be great for canning and enhance the flavor of your favorite veggies. It also contains a slew of vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and antioxidants that are beneficial for the digestive tract.
16- Use it Tame Brassy Hair:
If you’ve ever had a hair disaster, you know what it’s like to not want to face the world afterward. If you’ve tried a new look and it wasn’t your best, you can tame a wild, brassy color with apple cider vinegar. Apply a coat like a regular shampoo.
17- Alleviate Migraines:
For most migraine sufferers, there may be little relief save the use of harsh chemicals and medicines. However, there’s anecdotal evidence that apple cider vinegar may assist in preventing migraines when taken as part of a healthy diet. A little bit of apple cider a day may do more than just keep the doctor away. It may stop future migraines too.
18- Ease Ulcerative Colis:
If you’re an ulcer sufferer, then you know the discomfort of eating and drinking. A bit of apple cider vinegar each day may not only help to digest hard to eat foods for ulcer sufferers, but it may also calm your stomach and alleviate ulceration as well.
19- To remove corns:
You may dream of being the belle of the ball, but if you have to wear heels, that can be painful. You can eliminate embarrassing and painful corns by soaking a bandage in ACV and wearing it on the affected area overnight. Repeat the process the next day and soon you’ll be ready to dance the night away.
20- Whiten your teeth:
You can whiten your teeth with ACV by rubbing it directly onto your teeth and then rinse with water. After a few days, you’ll notice a difference.
21- Help a sunburn:
You may have forgotten your sunscreen and are now paying the (painful) price. However, red, peeling skin can be soothed and healed by soaking in a warm bath diluted with ACV. You’ll feel some relief and it can speed up healing as well.

Honorable Mentions
1-Apple cider vinegar is also gluten-free. This is a good option for anyone who suffers from IBS or food allergies. It can also eliminate toxins and is great for other things as well: including cleaning. Cleaning your home with apple cider vinegar can help with your overall health in two ways.
2-First, it can kill bacteria that can cause a number of diseases without chemicals that can encourage allergies or reactions. It can also eliminate bacteria without producing what has been known as “superbugs.” Superbugs are a big problem in households that utilize antibacterial cleaners that use many different compounds. Apple cider vinegar can keep your house clean and deter the growth of resistant bacteria.
3-Apple cider vinegar can also be used in a variety of recipes and are a great alternative to salt. You can combine it with a variety of things including garlic and wine to create classic dishes that your family can love without the high intake of sodium. Apple cider vinegar can even be used in desserts! You can increase your energy, boost your immune system and make great treats for the family. In fact, you can use apple cider vinegar to replace buttermilk in many recipes and cut down on the carbs and fat.
4-Apple cider vinegar has even been touted as a way to alleviate erectile dysfunction. Because apple cider vinegar is great for increasing the blood flow in the body, taking apple cider vinegar every day may also help with symptoms of ED. Observational studies indicate that apple cider vinegar may have properties that can treat other diseases including esophageal cancer. It may also reduce the risk of bladder cancer if taken every day as well.
5-ACV can also be used to rinse vegetables safely and without the use of chemicals. Washing your fruits and vegetables in apple cider vinegar can keep your food free of pesticides and can remove E.Coli and Salmonella.
6-ACV can not only rinse foods, but it can also clean dentures. Denture wearers can be sure that their dentures are free of bacteria and microbes without traditional chemicals.
7-Apple cider vinegar can be used to treat sore throats. Its antibacterial properties can kill off the kinds of bacteria that are the source of sore throat. Gargling with a solution of ACV and water can help with inflammation and pain.
8-ACV can also help with a congested nose. If you’ve got the sniffles and are having a hard time breathing through your nose, get a little apple cider with water. ACV has potassium, a compound that can thin out mucus and it can also discourage the growth of germs.
9-If you’re feeling tired and drained, taking ACV can boost your energy levels and beat back fatigue.
10. Athletes around the world have been utilizing apple cider vinegar to fade bruises. You can do the same by dabbing on a bit to the affected area.
11. Anecdotal evidence suggests that ACV is can be a sure-fire way to stop hiccups. It is suggested that anyone suffering from the hiccups takes one teaspoon of sugar along with a few drops of apple cider vinegar. The sugar seems to be key to stopping the reflex along with the sour taste of the vinegar.
12. If you have a case of stinky feet, soak your feet in water that has been mixed with apple cider vinegar over the course of a week. You’ll notice a change almost immediately.

Apple cider vinegar can promote wellness and health. It is a good alternative to traditional treatments and is affordable and accessible. Next time you’re thinking of a natural health option give ACV a try.