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How to Lighten Inner Thighs Overnight

A lot of people get dark inner thighs due to skin pigmentation due to a substance in our body called melanin. You can get your thighs pigmented with dark melanin irrespective of your skin tone or color and if you are white especially, then it may look odd on you and you can become a bit self-conscious and you may lose confidence in your body.

There are many reasons that lead to dark inner thighs and they are not a serious condition and can be easily treated at home using some natural remedies without having to use any chemicals or medicines. If you are wondering how to remove dark inner thighs overnight, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will go through the top natural remedies for dark inner thighs which you can try at home in a few simple steps.

What causes Inner Thighs?

Before talking about remedies, we should first know the cause behind this skin condition and that will help us have a better understanding of the problem and reach a solution easily. Dark inner thighs can occur to anyone irrespective of their skin color and skin type. Medically it is called hyperpigmentation.

It is a very common thing among many people and it can be caused due to many factors. It is hypersecretion of melanin which causes skin pigmentation and has no adverse side effects but looks bad. It restricts our confidence. sometimes it reduces the number of clothing items that you can wear and you tend to cover the part always as it looks bad on your skin. The main causes are listed below before proceeding to home remedies to remove dark inner thighs overnight.

  • Chafing due to wet cloths
  • Drier skin
  • Friction while walking
  • Hormonal drugs
  • Chemotherapy

Easy remedies at home for dark inner thighs

1- Baking soda

All you need is some baking soda and you should dissolve it in the bathwater after dissolving it you can soak yourself in the water for 10 to 15 minutes and then you should pat yourself dry with towels and apply some cream on your skin to keep it moist.

Working principle: Being alkaline, baking soda helps in removing the scaly parts of the skin which cause the dark thighs and it can work as a mild exfoliant on your skin. This works wonders to remove dark inner thighs overnight.

2- Apple cider vinegar

There’s another simple remedy for removing dark inner thighs overnight which is mixing 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in one tablespoon of water and applying it with the help of cotton balls to the affected area for 10 to 15 minutes daily and washing it off. There are other ways to consume this which is by adding two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in one glass of water and drinking it daily.

Working principle: One of the leading causes of dark inner thighs is obesity and apple cider vinegar does not remove dark inner thighs overnight but helps in reducing obesity if consumed regularly. 

3- Aloe vera gel

This is yet another simple process that is a proven remedy to remove dark inner thighs overnight. You need to follow a few simple steps to do this. Start by taking an aloe Vera leaf and dividing it into two parts. then you can scrape after Jelly in between and mix it well with a spoon or fork. after mixing it up apply it on the affected area and keep it for 20 to 30 minutes before removing it with water. Using this method for prolonged time helps in lightening the skin.

Working principle: aloe vera is proven to lighten the skin as it prevents melanin to accumulate in a concentrated area. This helps in preventing dark inner thighs.

4- Lemon juice

Bing acidic, lemon juice is a very good homemade remedy for removing dark inner thighs overnight. The process of application is pretty simple you can just put a few lemon drops from half a lemon in a cotton pad and apply it on the affected parts and keep it for 20-30 minutes.  Then you can wash it off and it will definitely help you remove the dark inner thighs.

Working principle: lemon juice has good vitamin C content which is nothing but ascorbic acid. It helps in reducing the production of melanin which ultimately causes dark skin. This is a very good remedy for it. If you are prone to sensitive skin and have irritation, then you can dilute the lemon juice with a little bit of water and then apply it.

Mentioned above are the best natural homemade remedies for removing dark inner thighs overnight. If you have such a condition and want to get rid of it, you can easily do it if you follow these steps rigorously.

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