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5 Car Maintenance Tips Everyone Should Know

What if you have an amazing mechanic? You take your car to that mechanic, but you still don’t
understand what they’re talking about.
This can be really frustrating. You have your car looked at, but when you walk away, you’re still confused
about what they just said. If you’re interested in car maintenance, you might want to learn to fix some
simple things.
Keep reading to learn some easy car maintenance tips you can use before calling a mechanic.

1- Inspect Car Fluids Regularly

It is important to get regular oil changes and check your brake fluid, coolant, and power steering fluid
levels. By doing so, you not only help the life of your engine, but you can also prevent costly repairs.
Make sure to change the oil and filter regularly, as this will help keep the engine lubricated and
performing at peak efficiency. It is also important to keep an eye on antifreeze levels, as this is what
ensures that your engine does not overheat.

2- Change Spark Plugs as Needed

Without proper maintenance, spark plugs can wear out and misfire, leading to decreased performance,
power loss, and reduced fuel efficiency. Inspect your spark plugs at least every 15,000 miles or as
specified in your car’s manual.
Replace the spark plugs if they have a foul odor, reduced spark intensity, or an increase in the amount of
fuel consumed. If any of these signs are present, it is time to replace the spark plugs.
Changing spark plugs as needed will help keep your vehicle running smoothly and efficiently, saving you
money and time in the long run.

3- Learn How to Jump Start Your Car

Learning how to jump-start a car is an essential maintenance skill. With a few simple tools and the right
know-how, anyone can quickly and safely jump into a car. The first step is to make sure the battery is
safe to jump.
Then, gather the appropriate tools—jumper cables, another car with a working battery, and safety glasses
and gloves. Connect the cables in the correct manner and turn on the healthy car to charge the drained

4- Clean and Re-Calibrate Battery Connections

Car cleaning and recalibrating your battery connections, you can ensure your battery is able to power
your vehicle and its components effectively and efficiently.
You should start by disconnecting the cables from the battery or disconnecting the negative terminal.
Once you have disconnected the cables, you should clean the connections and terminals with a wire
brush before reapplying any grease or corrosion inhibitor.

5- Regular Carwash

Everything from dirt, debris, and debris to quickly forget has the ability to damage a vehicle’s paint job.
Regularly washing your car can help prevent the accumulation of dirt and debris.
Clean hard-to-reach areas of your car that you wouldn’t be able to access with a manual wash. It helps
prevent rust from forming and stops the growth of mold and mildew.
If you are you are looking for exceptional service, check these premium carwash services. Not only will it
keep your car looking nice, but proper auto maintenance can also increase the value of your vehicle in
the long run.

Learn More About Car Maintenance Today

Following the proper car maintenance steps, you can keep your car safe and running smoothly. Be sure
to use these simple car maintenance tips to get the most out of your ride.
Act now and head out to the car mechanic to get your car checked and serviced.
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