Finally, Get Rid of This Pesky Skin Condition for Good
Did you look in the mirror one day and notice thin blue, purple, or red lines around your nose and on your cheeks, or on your calves and thighs? Those are spider veins, and there isn’t a single over-the-counter product that can erase them.
Fortunately, modern technology has finally provided us with a way to get rid of spider veins for good! So, what are these annoying lines on your face, and what’s the secret to a vein-free face? Read this quick guide on spider vein treatment and find out!
What Are Spider Veins, Anyway?
The medical term for spider veins that appear on your face is Telangiectasia, which sounds super scary. Technically, spider veins are a very mild form of varicose veins. However, they aren’t raised or swollen, and rarely cause discomfort. True varicose veins are usually itchy and very painful.
Why Do I Have Spider Veins?
People get spider veins for several reasons, but the biggest reason is your genetics – thanks mom and dad! If you see your parents or other close relatives with spider veins on their face, then there’s a good chance they’ll appear on you as well.
However, it’s not all your parents’ fault, either. Here are some other reasons you might have spider veins on your face:
- Aging
- Alcohol Use
- Extreme Heat or Cold
- Gender
- Hormones
- Injury
- Pregnancy
- Sun Exposure
Sun exposure plays a big role in many skin conditions. Not only can it make your spider veins and other skin conditions worse, it ages your skin faster than any other environmental factor. This is why you should always wear a high-quality, broad-spectrum daily sunscreen, avoid peak sun hours, and never use a tanning bed.
What At-Home Treatments are Available to Treat Spider Veins?
There aren’t any effective at-home treatments currently available to treat spider veins, but there are several things you can do to prevent more from appearing:
Eat Healthy Foods
Foods that reduce inflammation and promote blood flow help the veins in your body stay healthy. Eat food that is high in fiber and antioxidants to increase blood circulation, and avoid foods that are high in saturated fats, sodium, and processed sugars.
Try Facial Massage

There’s no better way to increase circulation to your face than with an excellent facial massage. You can gently rub your fingertips on your face in a circular motion or invest in special massage tools that also have an anti-aging benefit. Add a couple drops of rosemary essential oil to your favorite moisturizer to help increase circulation a little more.
Keep in mind that none of these at-home treatments have been proven by medical studies. However, it’s always a good idea to keep a healthy diet and have a customized at-home skin care routine.
Okay, What About the Spider Veins Already on My Face?
There’s great news! You don’t have to deal with spider veins on your face anymore! That’s because modern medicine has allowed providers to treat these annoying lines with laser therapy and intense pulse light (IPL). Check out how you can finally get flawless skin with these two spider vein treatments:
IPL Treatment
Most providers prefer this spider vein treatment because it’s perfect for treating multiple skin issues. It gently penetrates the second layer of your skin without damaging anything else. It breaks up your spider veins while also encouraging cell regeneration. The result is clearer, refreshed, and vein-free skin.
Laser Treatment
This medical-grade treatment bypasses your epidermis to break up spider veins completely, which causes them to dissolve and be absorbed by your body. Just make sure your provider is using a cosmetic laser for all skin types and is very experienced in cosmetic procedures.
Can I Find Spider Vein Treatments Online?
It seems like treating your spider veins with a gadget you find online would be simple enough. However, these products are usually just gimmicks and won’t provide you with the results you’re looking for. Ultimately, you’ll just end up wasting your time and money.
The best thing to do is request a consultation with a board-certified provider for a spider vein treatment that actually works. They are the only professionals who can safely and permanently remove spider veins. If you choose an inexperienced provider or use untested products at home, you might make your spider veins much worse, or further damage your skin.
Experienced professionals can quickly perform IPL and laser therapy in a matter of minutes. After that, you’ll notice your spider veins disappear in just weeks, and your skin will appear refreshed and rejuvenated. You’ll be ready for a flawless selfie 24/7! You can also read Top Methods to Reduce the Look of Fine Lines and Wrinkles.