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How to Tell I Like Him – 10 Ways to Tell A Guy

Confused as to how to express your feelings for someone? And How to you tell if you like him? It’s not just you. Some people just can’t seem to figure out how to tell if someone likes them or not. They mistake the least interested person for a gushing fanatic and fail to recognize the one who truly appreciates them. Frustrating? Very!

It’s true that we can get a makeover, a haircut, and a brand new wardrobe if we want to impress them, and they won’t even notice.

When it comes to getting a guy to get the hint, hasn’t everyone else had enough? While it may be challenging to figure out how to express your feelings for a guy, doing so is the only way to know for sure that he is paying attention.

Ways to Tell A Guy That You Like Him

Here are some of the tips given on How to tell I like him.

1- Go straight

Men tend to jump right to the point. Simply telling him that you have feelings for him will do the trick. Now, that’s some serious guts right there. Most women would rather make a bigger impression, so they wouldn’t go this route. Still, if nothing else is successful, why not give it a shot? This is one of the best tips for How to tell him if you like him.

2- Show that you are interest

One way you can show a guy you like him is by taking an interest in the things he’s interested in. Discuss recent concerts you’ve attended if he has a serious interest in music. Even if he doesn’t immediately recognize that you’re sharing his passions, he’ll start to see you as compatible, which is good enough in a guy’s book. It is also one option of How to tell him if you like him.

3- Give Compliment

Give Compliment

Of course, you find him appealing; tell him so. Telling a guy that you think he’s hot is the surest way to get his attention. This will also pique his interest in your appearance and get him thinking about you.

4- Compliment his work

Men enjoy compliments on their work even more than they do on their appearance. Remind him how well he’s doing on his current endeavor. He’ll appreciate the compliment and the fact that you noticed him. It’ll get his attention on you as well. This is one idea of How to tell him if you like him.

5- Show interest in him

To show interest in another person’s life is generally interpreted as a positive sign of interest in the person themselves. Investigate his background by inquiring about his loved ones and his aspirations. He will pick up on your efforts to get to know him better, feel touched by them, and interpret them as a sign of How to tell him if you like him.

6- Use your Body language to expressing

Men pay much more attention to your actions than your words. Unfortunately, this is the case. Lean in for a closer conversational embrace, flip your hair in a seductive manner, and sway your hips as you leave. This is how to tell him you like him by showing him you are interested in him. He won’t miss a thing you say.

7- Always make a good eye contact

When you stare at someone, you’re essentially telling them to look at you. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting you hold a staring contest or anything. My point is that you need to intentionally make eye contact with him. It’s an excellent strategy for attracting his attention and winning his favor. This is one tip on How to tell him if you like him.

8- Check his relationship status first

If he doesn’t get the hint after that, he’s hopeless, and you should probably look elsewhere. If you want to know how to tell a guy you like in a subtle but direct way, simply ask him if he is seeing anyone. It’s clear that you have romantic intentions when you inquire about his dating life. He will get the point if he has any sense.

9- Ask him for a date

ask him for date

Finally, if all else fails, ask him out! Ask him out on a date by treating him to a concert by his favorite band. A date is a clear signal that you have feelings for the guy, and any reasonable man will understand that. And if you visit one of his favorite spots, you’ll score major brownie points with him. This is the best way to tell him if you like him.

10- Dress well

In all likelihood, he will take note of any cosmetic alterations you have made, such as a new haircut or wardrobe. The most important thing is not to do this for him, but for you. Then you’ll get twice as much out of it. It’s healthy to shake things up every once in a while and try on a new look.

But make sure you’re not just doing it to win over a guy who doesn’t see your feelings for him. One of the best ways to get a guy’s attention and tell a guy you like him without using your words is to do something he finds sexually attractive.


Keep in mind that guys are typically more forthright than other species. They prefer to have everything spelled out for them, and they want reassurance that they aren’t misinterpreting the situation. After all, he won’t risk asking you out on a date if he isn’t confident that he’s interpreting the signals correctly. If you want to know how to tell a guy you like him, you need to be as assured as possible.

Confidence is something that must be earned, and nobody is born with it. If you pretend to be confident and take a chance, you will actually feel more confident, and that will rub off on everyone around you, including the guy of your dreams. Hopefully, he’ll realize how much you mean to him and take over from there.

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