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5 Major Reasons for Hair Loss

Hair is considered to be one of the most important features in the human body that defines beauty. It is the mark of identity in a person. A person with a lot of hair during childhood may go bald during their old age. This leads to a feeling of insecurity in them. Even though there is no way to completely cure baldness, many alternatives have been found. There are innumerable hair loss treatments for men and in many other places across the globe.

Thanks to the advancements in science and technology, a lot of people are able to address their insecurities. Hair transplant, wigs, cosmetic surgery are some available remedies for incurable hair loss. It is necessary to be aware of the different reasons for hair loss before proceeding to the cure. Here are some of the top reasons.If you want to know about men’s hair growth spray then click here.

1- Hereditary

One important reason for hair loss is a family tradition. This tendency progresses with the process of aging. Baldness happens in both male and females and this condition is known as Androgenic Alopecia. People who are probable to be bald will have bald spots right from the beginning.

Receding hairline and visibility of the scalp are some common signs of impending baldness. There is no particular cure to hinder the whole process of baldness. However, there are possible alternatives like hair transplants and wigs. There are also clinics for hair loss treatment for men in Pune and around the world.

2- Diseases and Medications

The resulting effect of certain diseases is hair loss. For instance, scalp ringworm is a fungal infection that affects the hair shafts. A round itchy patch emerges on the scalp,  which leads to the shedding of hair. Alopecia Areata is a condition that causes hair to fall in small patches. They are the result of the attack of the immune system on hair follicles.

Thyroid disease, menopause, depression are some other reasons which can lead to immense hair loss. Some medications intended to cure a particular disease can also cause extreme hair loss. They include hormone tablets, pills for heart problems, arthritis, blood pressure, and many more. Chemotherapies, for the treatment of cancer eventually leads to complete baldness.

3- Stress and Anxiety

People who are required to work under stress tend to lose a lot of hair. This condition is known as telogen effluvium. In this condition, a large number of hair follicles are put to the resting phase. They start to fall out within a few months.  The possible reasons for this are poor diet, sudden weight loss, and hormonal changes during times like pregnancy and menopause.

Depression is also another reason for hair loss. The texture of the hair undergoes a change disrupting the cycle of growth of hair follicles. This leads to intense hair loss.

However, these conditions are temporary and self-treatable. Once the problem is addressed and self-care follows, a person’s hair loss will also be normalized. Self-care is important for being in one’s best self. It is also important to seek help when mental health needs to be mended.

4- Scalp Problems

This is a common problem for all people. A dry scalp can lead to intense itching and inflammation of the hair follicles. This can lead to hindrance in hair growth and thinning of hair. Seborrheic dermatitis is a condition of the scalp which is caused by a yeast infection and the uneven reaction of the immune system. It consists of skin flakes on the scalp hair with the resulting effect of dandruff

One effective treatment for dandruff is to use shampoos more often to reduce the oil discharge on the scalp. There are a lot of other home remedies available for the effective elimination of dandruff. They include the use of lemon juice, vinegar, and many more.

5- Styling and Chemical Treatments

A lot of styling devices like irons and curlers are being frequently used by the present generation. Although these give an aesthetic appeal to the hair, in the long run, it harms hair follicles. Therefore it is important to be aware of the inhibiting problems caused by these chemical treatments.

A lot of hairstyles can also lead to the loss of hair. Traction Alopecia is a condition of hair loss caused due to repeated pulling of hair. Tight ponytails, braids, and buns are some styles that result in hair loss.


There are many other reasons for hair loss and one of them is an underlying health issue. Burning Scalp Syndrome, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome are just two on the list. If a person suffers from continued hair loss for a long time, it is important to consult a doctor.

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