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Know Everything About Vaginal pH Balance With Natural Remedies To Restore

It is very essential to manage body pH balance, especially in the vaginal area. So you need to maintain the proper intimate pH balance. Otherwise, it can affect your total health. Do you know about the intimate pH? In this article, you will know about the details concept of vaginal pH. Also, some natural remedies to restore pH balance. 

Concept of vaginal pH:

The normal ph level in the intermediate woman is 4.5. The pH level helps to determine the acidic or basic level of body fluid. PH level between 1 to 6 is acetic whereas 8 to 14 is considered as basic. So the pH level of women’s intimate area is acetic. When the pH level goes higher in scale then it causes a pH imbalance. This condition can invite many infections and disturb vaginal and overall health.

The intimate area PH of human females is maintained by Lactobacilli. These bacteria naturally occur in the female intimate area and produce lactic acid. That is how the vagina always remains acetic and protected from any other infection of alkaline bacteria. Not only does the intimate pH balance this bacteria also help to prevent any kind of sexually transmitted disease. So it is very important to restore the population of Lactobacilli in the female intimate area. You should follow natural remedies to restore pH balance.

Cause of vaginal pH imbalance:

Maybe the presence of Lactobacilli bacteria in female intimate areas is natural but several things can destroy it. Due to the lack of Lactobacilli, the intimate area pH goes higher. This condition is known as pH imbalance. Several factors contribute to intimate area pH imbalance. Those are given below:

  • Douching:

This means washing the intimate area with hot water, soap or shampoo. This is one of the biggest misconceptions every woman has. Soap and shampoo alkaline solution and make the intimate pH basic. Hot water also kills the lactobacilli and destroys the intimate pH.

  • Menstruation:

Menstruation is an important but most common physical function of women. But menstrual blood is basic in nature. So during menstruation, intimate pH levels always remain basic.

  • Antibiotics:

Antibiotics are medicines used to kill any kind of bacteria or fungal infection in the body. But when you are taking antibiotics for recovery it can also cause an intimate pH imbalance.

  • Infections:

Any kind of infection mostly yeast infection disrupts the normal vaginal pH balance. East is an anaerobic fungus which replaces the lactobacilli and increases the pH level. This is one of the major causes of vaginal pH imbalance

  • Hygiene:

Low maintenance of intimate hygiene is another factor of vaginal pH imbalance. It is very important to know about the concept of personal hygiene.

  • Use of tampons for a longer time.

Menstruation blood is basic in nature which is why it causes a pH imbalance.

Most women use tampons at this time. These soak the mensuration blood for a longer time and create a pH imbalance.

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So, avoid these things and follow

Symptoms of vaginal pH imbalance:

It is not true that vaginal pH imbalance will happen and you will be unaware of it. There are some common symptoms that indicate the pH imbalance of the intermediate. These are the following:

  • You will see a change in the color of your vaginal discharge
  • Not only the color the amount of the discharge will become higher than normal.
  • Normal vaginal discharge has no color or smell. If you see any change in smell and color then it is an indication of pH imbalance.
  • Itching and discomfort are other main indications of intimate pH imbalance.
  • You will feel burning in the vaginal area during urination. It can also be a symptom of UTI infection.

Some natural remedies to restore the vaginal pH balance

With some natural remedies to restore the pH balance of the intimate areas.

  • Avoid douching:

So avoid washing your intimate area with hot water soap and shampoo. Instead of these, you should use solutions for the intimate area. Those medicated solutions are gentle on the vagina and maintain the natural pH balance.

  • Hygiene during menstruation: 

The menstrual cycle is a common biological function of women but you need to be careful about hygiene.

So use a menstrual cap instead of tampons. If you are not comfortable then change the temp on at least after 4 hours of use.

  • Eat probiotics:

Probiotics are natural food items that increase the number of good bacteria in the body. Yogurt is the natural property having the goodness of Lactobacilli. The acidity of yogurt comes due to the lactic acid produced by Lactobacilli. So eating you got regular basis can restore the natural pH of the vagina.


Hopefully from the article, you get the overall concept of vaginal pH imbalance and its natural remedy. With these simple tips, you can maintain a good pH level in your intimate area. But if you feel any severe symptoms of pH balance immediate contact with the doctor. Stay healthy by following these natural remedies to restore the pH balance of the vagina.

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