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How Can Young Kids Cope-Up in an Online Learning Environment

With the onslaught of the current pandemic, the transition to online education from a classroom-based one was abrupt and unexpected. Because of this, kids, parents, and teachers are confronted with new challenges and opportunities. Parents have to assume a new role as their child’s teacher — a kind of change that has been positively and negatively impacting parent-children relationships.

Since schools, including early childhood development centres, have been shifting into an online early learning centre, parents are also keeping up by making themselves ready for their new roles. While the original teachers are still present to guide the learner, the parents will also have a share of keeping the home environment conducive for learning. If you are still unsure whether you are up to the challenge, here are some tips to help you manage your toddler and home.

Ask The School’s Help If You Need Learning Resources

One of the biggest challenges for parents now is access to computers and the internet. If you find yourself in this situation, the smartest thing to do is ask the learning centre if they have tablets and laptops to lend to the families. If what you are having trouble about is how to connect to the centre’s learning platform, you can go ahead and ask them for remote technical help or other centre-based resources.

You can also connect to the parent and teacher online community if your centre has one. If they do not have one, you can suggest that the centre create a forum wherein the teachers and parents can connect and share methods they found helpful. This will not only make online learning easy for you, but it will also make the process hassle-free for your kid. It is like you paved the way for him so that he can have a more pleasant experience.

Prepare A Room Dedicated To Classes

Distraction is more abundant at home than in physical schools. If adults have a short attention span, imagine how much shorter it would be for kids and toddlers enrolled in an online early learning centre program. Your role now is to create an environment that makes learning easy for the kids. As you know, kids are easily stressed by any disruption, may it be in their world or their lives. It is easy for them to feel anxious or frightened by the tension they feel.

Bear in mind that when kids are not listening, they are not hostile, lazy, or uncooperative. Instead, their brain is only doing what it is conditioned to do when exposed to highly stressful situations. Their brain’s stress survival response is to react — either to freeze, flight, or fight. So, you can most likely see them zoning out or acting out. For adults, these responses may be viewed as a form of argument, opposition, or an act of defiance. But for these kids, it is their brain being set to reactive, survival mode.

As a parent, you need to watch out and acknowledge these behaviours. Instead of punishing or getting angry at your kid, try to find out what has kept him from being focused. Find out his triggers. Through these, you can quickly tackle his stress source and keep him focused on his activities. Shifting to an online learning set-up may be stressful for teachers and parents like you. But take note that your child is also adjusting to this new environment. Be there for him and get through and survive amid these online learning challenges together. You will not only see a relaxed learner, but you can also improve your bond as parent and child.

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